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test fails for Claret-Bruno model #421

Open gravesti opened 3 weeks ago

gravesti commented 3 weeks ago

Currently test to recover parameters in the unscaled variance model fails.

gowerc commented 1 week ago


I'm assuming that this implies the model works fine in the scaled case.

If memory serves me right ess_bulk failing means that they are very few independent samples and although the point estimates may be fine it means the overall coverage / shape of the posterior is likely not to be well described. Also means any variance estimates are likely to be inaccurate. I'm sure I read in one of the Stan articles that ESS > 100 is a minimum standard.

Did you look into the code at all ? Wondering if I made an implementation mistake ? If not I am wondering if maybe this model just isn't recoverable and we should instead just limit it to the scaled version only ?

I'm also assuming this is a duplicate of #407 ?

gravesti commented 1 week ago

Yes, scaled seems to work fine. Indeed, something is not good about the sampling of this model.

I started to look at the code, but didn't finish looking thoroughly.

Limiting to the scaled version seems like a shortcut to resolving this.

To my last point I was thinking we could implement pp_check( I with with the Quantities functionality, you have everything that's needed.