GeneralMagicio / pairwise-RPGF4

Pairwise for Optimism RetroPGF4
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Log Out #109

Open GriffGreen opened 5 days ago

GriffGreen commented 5 days ago

As a user with multiple addresses that could vote, I want to be able to use the same device and browser to vote on pairwise but connected to a different email and a different key.

This doesnt work right now.

If I have already chosen an account and logged in with other credentials, When i go to login with a different google account, it lets me choose an email to login with, and then totally disregards it and keeps me logged in with the other email account.

I'm not sure why it lets me get to the point where i choose a new email to login with if it doesn't matter what i choose, and its going to connect me to the same email i was connected with already

MoeNick commented 3 days ago

We should change the flow and add a log-out in this case.

MoeNick commented 2 days ago

@MoeNick to sync with design team to have log-out

MoeNick commented 1 day ago
image.png image.png

Design here:

By this action, your get logged out from app and we revoke the thrdweb jwt token, and user get redirected to loign page.

lovelgeorge99 commented 1 day ago

when should this modal log-out modal appear? @MoeNick

MoeNick commented 1 day ago

When the user clicks on the user icon on the top left, it is shown by a red circle in the first picture I shared in the above comment. @lovelgeorge99

MoeNick commented 1 day ago

if we can disconnect the user from the wallet in this flow, it would be very cool. is it possible? (in the case that the user used the same browser and has been connected before to an address) @lovelgeorge99

cc: @mmahdigh