GenerallyHelpfulSoftware / SVGgh

A framework for using SVG artwork in iOS Apps. Includes a UIView and a button class, printing and PDF export.
MIT License
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problem with app store review #9

Closed hassan379 closed 9 years ago

hassan379 commented 9 years ago

thx for this helpful library , it helped me a lot but when i submit my application to app store they reject it becuse some bugs are connected to SVGgh and they send me a screen shot where the bug is (they told me that the bugs on iphone and ipad ios 8.3) here is the screen shot in my app i added three GHButtons but they are appear as white squares for them i test my app on iphone 4s ios 7.1 , iphone and ipad simulator ios 7.1 but everything is ok also i updated my iphone to ios 8.3 and run the app without rebuild it by xcode 6 but everything is ok i dont know what should i do now please help sorry bad english thx in advance

grhowes commented 9 years ago

Is it possible that your artwork is not being included in your release build, or has a different path? Maybe you should look inside the .ipa file to confirm that the artwork is where you think it should be. (take the .ipa file, decompress it, navigate to the Payload, right click on the app, choose "Show Package Contents" and look around in there to make sure it got included.

hassan379 commented 9 years ago

i think i found the prbleme , when i delete the svg file that connected to ghbutton the button still has the same img that mean the ghbutton connected to another svg or the svg is cashed what do u think ?

grhowes commented 9 years ago

But are they in the right place, with exactly the right capitalization?

Use Test Flight to get the app store version of your submission and see if it runs properly on your phone.

I've submitted about 5 app updates this year, using this library and I have not seen any problems like this.