Abstracted featured projects information to src/data/featuredProjectData.js to avoid duplicative text and to create a single source of truth for featured project information to be used throughout the website.
Leveraged this single source of truth in landing page components and in the featured projects carousel in src/component/ProjectsPage/FeaturedProjects/FeaturedProjects.jsx
Styled & implemented resizing dynamics on desktop & mobile
How did I test it?
Tested at various common and edge case screen sizes
Verified that the carousel would "loop" when you reach the beginning/end
What could go wrong in the future? What parts of your code should the reviewer pay the most attention to?
Nothing at the moment. As food for thought, it could make sense to store the project information on the backend but that would be a more intensive process.
What was the ticket?
Implement projects 'carousel' feature on Projects page
What did I do?
Abstracted featured projects information to
to avoid duplicative text and to create a single source of truth for featured project information to be used throughout the website.Leveraged this single source of truth in landing page components and in the featured projects carousel in
Styled & implemented resizing dynamics on desktop & mobile
How did I test it?
Tested at various common and edge case screen sizes
Verified that the carousel would "loop" when you reach the beginning/end
What could go wrong in the future? What parts of your code should the reviewer pay the most attention to?
Nothing at the moment. As food for thought, it could make sense to store the project information on the backend but that would be a more intensive process.