Quick run through to set a code pattern and clean up the teams / team-managment page.
What did I do?
Restructured the file structure to move things out of the components
Added a (partial) new hook to allow pages to auto resize and update to mobile view (has to be combined with the query for now because legacy code doesn't use it yet)
Created the new management page, with a reusable footer component for use in the future team pages
Added a mobile version of the teams landing page
Cleaned up the footers, to also auto work together with resizing
How did I test it?
Describe in detail steps you used to test the changes you have made.
Running locally, resizing frequently, and using the chrome device emulator to match with legacy code mobile versioning
Going through the flows on this page
Required checks:
[x] Did you conduct a self-review?
[ ] Have you written unit or integration tests?
What could go wrong in the future? What parts of your code should the reviewer pay the most attention to?
Some styling could get messed up, but I believe it should be cleared up for now
Describe aspects of the PR that may become problems in the future.
What was the ticket?
Quick run through to set a code pattern and clean up the teams / team-managment page.
What did I do?
How did I test it?
Describe in detail steps you used to test the changes you have made.
Required checks:
What could go wrong in the future? What parts of your code should the reviewer pay the most attention to?
Describe aspects of the PR that may become problems in the future.
Additional Comments for the Reviewers