I cleaned up the code by linting unused css.
Positioned the elements in the component relatively such that they would be dynamic upon changes in window size.
How did I test it?
Describe in detail steps you used to test the changes you have made.
Key Parts
I checked the behavior of the page at various resolutions.
Made sure text remained clearly visible and as close as possible to the Figma.
Required checks:
[Yes] Did you conduct a self-review?
[Yes] Have you written unit or integration tests?
What could go wrong in the future? What parts of your code should the reviewer pay the most attention to?
Describe aspects of the PR that may become problems in the future.
Key Questions
I don't see many aspects of this PR proving to be major problems in the future. Should just be minor numeric tweaks and rotation of elements to match the mobile Figma in a future ticket.
What was the ticket?
WT-69 - I worked on a bug fix causing the generate logo to appear off screen on certain resolutions Link to Ticket: https://generatenu.atlassian.net/browse/WT-69?atlOrigin=eyJpIjoiMTUwY2VmMGQyOGY0NDRmM2FhMjBkOWM1NDk3OTRhNGEiLCJwIjoiaiJ9
What did I do?
I cleaned up the code by linting unused css. Positioned the elements in the component relatively such that they would be dynamic upon changes in window size.
How did I test it?
Describe in detail steps you used to test the changes you have made. Key Parts
I checked the behavior of the page at various resolutions.
Made sure text remained clearly visible and as close as possible to the Figma.
Required checks:
[Yes] Did you conduct a self-review?
[Yes] Have you written unit or integration tests?
What could go wrong in the future? What parts of your code should the reviewer pay the most attention to?
Describe aspects of the PR that may become problems in the future. Key Questions
I don't see many aspects of this PR proving to be major problems in the future. Should just be minor numeric tweaks and rotation of elements to match the mobile Figma in a future ticket.
Additional comments for the reviewers