GenericMappingTools / agu24workshop

Mastering Geospatial Visualizations with GMT/PyGMT pre-conference workshop at AGU24
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Content for AGU24 GMT/PyGMT pre-conference workshop #1

Open weiji14 opened 1 month ago

weiji14 commented 1 month ago

This issue is for discussing the full-day workshop schedule and logistics. We'll have 8.5 hours (including breaks) to fill with a mix of GMT and PyGMT course materials.

👉 Draft outline:

Important dates:

Some initial points to discuss:

Note: We don't need to finalize the schedule/outline before 31 Jul 2024. Feel free to put down your ideas anytime before September/October.


Esteban82 commented 1 month ago

I think I could give a lesson about animations with bash.


  1. Should we give the lesson live or can we use a recorded lesson (flipped classroom)?
  2. Will be a limit for the ammount of parcipants? Which is it?
yvonnefroehlich commented 1 month ago

Thanks @weiji14 for starting this repro 🙂!

Looking at the list on HackMd I think I would like to work on the pandas related lesson.

yvonnefroehlich commented 1 month ago

I think I could give a lesson about animations with bash.

@Esteban82 Great idea (maybe this is my change to give to movie module a try).

I tried to also assign @andrebelem to this issue, but this seems not to be possible.

andrebelem commented 1 month ago

I tried to also assign @andrebelem to this issue, but this seems not to be possible. @yvonnefroehlich hummm curious. Did you get an error trying to assing me ?

yvonnefroehlich commented 1 month ago

I tried to also assign @andrebelem to this issue, but this seems not to be possible. @yvonnefroehlich

hummm curious. Did you get an error trying to assing me ?

I think I found my mistake - I believe I included the "@" 🙁. Now it worked!

Oh - I apologize @maxrjones - I overlooked that you also tried to do this at the same time.

weiji14 commented 1 month ago

Thanks everyone for getting started on this! I'd encourage everyone to put down ideas directly at if possible (to keep this issue thread from getting too long). @Esteban82 and @jhtong33, could you please create an account on HackMD (can use your GitHub login) so I can invite you to edit that outline too?


  1. Should we give the lesson live or can we use a recorded lesson (flipped classroom)?

I think the expectation is that this lesson would be given live. I'll ask the AGU staff though if we can use recordings.

  1. Will be a limit for the ammount of parcipants? Which is it?

There is a cap of 80 seats for the workshop.

Esteban82 commented 1 month ago

@Esteban82 and @jhtong33, could you please create an account on HackMD (can use your GitHub login) so I can invite you to edit that outline too?

I already have an account (with the same name than here).

yvonnefroehlich commented 4 days ago

Another point: People have to bring their own laptops for the workshop, correct? So, they should have installed the necessary packages before the workshop. Maybe it makes sense to consider some time at the beginning for helping here, if things were not successful for some participants?

Esteban82 commented 4 days ago

Yes. they have to bring their laptops. And yes, we migth consider some time to help them. I think here that the best is to ask them to try to install the sofwtares before the workshop (I assume that they will have some days).