GenericMappingTools / gmt

The Generic Mapping Tools
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Simplify the tests for the greenspline module #6326

Open maxrjones opened 2 years ago

maxrjones commented 2 years ago

Two of the 10 slowest tests are for the greenspline module ( and However, a small fraction of the time for these two tests is actually spent in the greenspline module (~0.2s greenspline, ~21s surface, ~0.5s plotting + graphicsmagick time). Here are a couple ideas for simplifying these tests to take less time:

  1. Use ncdump or a similar tool to compare the output from greenspline to a reference grid file, removing the need for surface or plotting modules completely.
  2. Use either DVC or the GMT cache to store the output from gmt surface @Table_5_11.txt -R$R -I$D -Graws5.grd -T0.5 -N10000 -C0.0000001, such that the slow surface step does not take place in the greenspline tests.

I would prefer using option 1 for the daily tests of greenspline. Since the tests also serve to guarantee that the figures in Paul's 2009 paper are reproducible, perhaps we could have a separate set of tests for published figures that can be optionally run (similar to the API tests and the proposal for the supplement tests in #6324). Any thoughts @GenericMappingTools/gmt-maintainers?

PaulWessel commented 2 years ago

I like the idea of storing the surface grid in DVC. A key benefit of having published paper script in the test is that decades after they were published we would expect GMT to still produce them as intended. These figures are (possibly) seen my more (or different) people and some may try to emulate those plots.

joa-quim commented 2 years ago

Prefer opt 1 too. And no need for an external tool. The output grid can be passed to grdinfo -C and do only numeric comparisons.

maxrjones commented 2 years ago

I agree that we should still have a way to test whether the published script produces the same output, but I am less convinced that we should test that on every commit to the master branch. Even option 2 would not guarantee that the script works as published because breaking changes to surface could be missed. What if we were to use option 1 to simplify the daily greenspline tests and create a new 'published' directory in test that can be tested weekly in the CI using a CMake setting similar to DO_API_TESTS? A quick search suggests that these are the tests based on published GMT figures:

maxrjones commented 2 years ago

Regarding using grdinfo -C, yes it's best to avoid external tools and it's unlikely that the grid would change without affecting those statistics so that should work.

PaulWessel commented 2 years ago

I am fine with a less frequent check on some scripts, but given the history of all tests (we end up braking something while fixing something else via whack-a-mole and the failing tests help us understand and fix the issue. That is the use of such plot scripts. GMT is a very visual-oriented toolset.