GenesisViewer / Genesis

Genesis is a viewer for second life
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Room for improvement? Mini map might freeze on older computers #394

Open TorricRodas opened 9 months ago

TorricRodas commented 9 months ago

Ʀαν™ (rav.starchild) : (Genesis Release 957): Idk if its a bug.. or what but I noticed on the last viewer as well as this updated one. If I hover over the mini map. my screen freezes.

Fidget Nebula (Genesis Test 959): Torric, the minimap freezing thing is an old old issue. It's when you hover over dots/people on the minimap and it calculates the context menu that pops up. It seems to be more or less noticible depending on the PC/hardware. My laptop suffers severely from it while I can't make it happen with my current desktop.

Torric: Thanks fid, we'll take a look. I don't think we've visited mini map since we last patched it

Fidget Nebula: (Genesis Test 959): Torric, another thing of note with the minimap, I haven't poked at the code to look at the cause, but having the minimap open can cause a fairly significant FPS drop. It seems to affect the CPU time not GPU.