Closed EiJuN-xmu closed 1 year ago
Hi, this is because the latest version of MMPose has been updated, which installs version 1.x by default. However, this repo is using version 0.x. I just updated the requirements, mmpose==0.29.0, you can install it directly.
Solved, thanks very much!!!!!!!!
I installed those modules like you said mmpose==0.29.0 and mmcv==1.7.0 and mmdet==2.26.0. But I got the mmcv._ext error. How can solve that?
I installed those modules like you said mmpose==0.29.0 and mmcv==1.7.0 and mmdet==2.26.0. But I got the mmcv._ext error. How can solve that?
you can solve it by adding the root path of this cloned repo on top of PCT/vis_tools/
import sys
./tools/ configs/pct_[base/large/huge] 8
时,发生错误:AssertionError: MMCV==1.7.0 is used but incompatible. Please install mmcv>=2.0.0rc4, <=2.1.0.
接着我卸载当前版本的mmcv并下载2.0.0rc4版本,但是又出现错误:ImportError: cannot import name 'Config' from 'mmcv'