GenieClient / Genie4

.NET 6 Update of Genie
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Sentences to paragraphs (Don't know what to title this) #22

Closed Kaesken closed 2 years ago

Kaesken commented 2 years ago

Some of the sentences are combining into paragraphs instead of separating each one between > like it used to. Jingo asked me to share a copy.

You notice Noireaper slip into a hiding place.

The buckle on Miir's leather thighband pulses with a soft light.
Souv asks, "You here to heal?"

Souv grins.

Jinchu gazes intently into his sanowret crystal, and scintillating sparks of light dance across its surface.

The buckle on Miir's leather thighband pulses with a soft light.
Itzli gets an intricate locksmith's training box fit with a silversteel latch from inside his black haversack.

Jinchu gazes intently into his sanowret crystal, and scintillating sparks of light dance across its surface.

Itzli closes his training box.

Toastmaster Putput just arrived.

say me?  Nah.
You say, "Me?  Nah."

Toastmaster Putput runs northeast.

Toastmaster Putput just arrived.

Noireaper puts his mouse in his rucksack.

Noireaper goes out.

Itzli quickly locks the training box and pockets the key.

Itzli sets about picking his training box.  With a faint *CLICK* it opens.

Putput asks, "Anyone healing?"

The eyes of Miir's monk pendant flash white for a moment.
The eyes of Miir's monk pendant flash white for a moment.
Jinchu gazes intently into his sanowret crystal, and scintillating sparks of light dance across its surface.

Noireaper just arrived.

Jinchu puts his compendium in his sailcloth pack.

The dwalgim on Miir's crown pulses with a soft light.
Noireaper removes some lumium ring greaves from his legs.

Noireaper puts his greaves in his rucksack.

Jinchu gazes intently into his sanowret crystal, and scintillating sparks of light dance across its surface.

Souv rests his hand on Putput's arm with a soft smile.

Jinchu roots around the area for a moment.
Jinchu forages around the area for a while and manages to collect a pile of rocks.

Itzli quickly locks the training box and pockets the key.

Noireaper goes out.

Itzli sets about picking his training box.  With a faint *CLICK* it opens.

Souv rests his hand on Putput's arm with a soft smile.

The thick agonite earcuff tightens itself against Miir's ear, causing the jagged shards of xenomite to bite into his skin.  He looks around, startled for a brief moment.
say I did a booboo where I went permashock.  I finally finished the quest but still rather slow of a healer right now so not going to heal for awhile.
You say, "I did a booboo where I went permashock.  I finally finished the quest but still rather slow of a healer right now so not going to heal for awhile."

Jinchu smashes his foot into a pile of rocks.  It suddenly explodes, scattering bits and pieces of debris in every direction.

Itzli quickly locks the training box and pockets the key.

Jinchu roots around the area for a moment.
Jinchu forages around the area for a while and manages to collect a pile of rocks.

Itzli sets about picking his training box.  With a faint *CLICK* it opens.

A fluffy black rat clambers out from your duffel bag and climbs its way back up to your shoulder, looking quite pleased with itself.

The buckle on Miir's leather thighband pulses with a soft light.
Souv says, "Makes sense."

Souv exudes life and vitality, rutilant sparks dancing around him.

Putput's feet are dripping with water.  Pools of it are forming all around him.

Putput pats Souv on the shoulder appreciatively and offers him a tip.

Itzli quickly locks the training box and pockets the key.

One of the stringy tendrils snaking away from the vela'tohr plant brushes lightly by Miir's ankle as it aimlessly wriggles about, as if searching for something.

Itzli sets about picking his training box.  With a faint *CLICK* it opens.

Jinchu smashes his foot into a pile of rocks.  It suddenly explodes, scattering bits and pieces of debris in every direction.

Souv rests his hand on Putput's arm with a soft smile.

The buckle on Miir's leather thighband pulses with a soft light.
Jinchu roots around the area for a moment.
Jinchu forages around the area for a while and manages to collect a pile of rocks.

Souv accepts Putput's tip and slips it away.

Skaro gazes intently into her sanowret crystal, and scintillating sparks of light dance across its surface.

Souv gets an elegant diamond-hide almanac bearing a platinum Estate Holder's crest from inside his swordsman's cloak.

Souv studies his diamond-hide almanac closely.

Yha just arrived.

Souv seems to glow with an inner light, trailing rutilant sparks with every movement.

Yha traces a geometric sigil in the air.

Yha gets a glossy black leather textbook with gold script on the front from inside her scribe's pack.

Itzli quickly locks the training box and pockets the key.

Itzli sets about picking his training box.  With a faint *CLICK* it opens.

Yha begins a quiet ruff on her thin-edged zills.

Yha gestures.
A soft crackle briefly comes from Yha's direction.

Yha stops playing her song.

Souv puts his almanac in his swordsman's cloak.

Yha moves a glossy black leather textbook with gold script on the front to her left hand.

Yha traces a geometric sigil in the air.

Jinchu smashes his foot into a pile of rocks.  It suddenly explodes, scattering bits and pieces of debris in every direction.

Brilliant sparks of rutilant light dance around Souv, bathing him in a warm glow.

Jinchu roots around the area for a moment.
Jinchu forages around the area for a while and manages to collect a pile of rocks.

Itzli quickly locks the training box and pockets the key.

The eyes of Miir's monk pendant flash white for a moment.
The eyes of Miir's monk pendant flash white for a moment.
Itzli sets about picking his training box.  With a faint *CLICK* it opens.

The dwalgim on Miir's crown pulses with a soft light.
Miir's jumping spider scans the area, eyes gleaming.
Itzli quickly locks the training box and pockets the key.

Itzli sets about picking his training box.  With a faint *CLICK* it opens.

Cascading points of rutilant light swirl around Souv like sparks dancing up from a blazing fire.

Jinchu smashes his foot into a pile of rocks.  It suddenly explodes, scattering bits and pieces of debris in every direction.

Putput counts some boar-tusk arrows.

Putput counts some boar-tusk arrows.

Putput counts some crossbow bolts.

Putput counts some small rocks.

Putput counts some small rocks.

Itzli quickly locks the training box and pockets the key.

Itzli sets about picking his training box.  With a faint *CLICK* it opens.

The buckle on Miir's leather thighband pulses with a soft light.
Yha gestures.

One by one, each face on Jinchu's sipar fades away until the sipar is empty.  Without warning, a single giant face suddenly appears, snarling and snickering!  The remaining faces pop back into visibility, each silently laughing a moment before resuming their normal movement.
Putput's feet are dripping water everywhere.

A clowder of sparkling kitties dappled in starry-bright hues begins to meow a catchy, repetitive tune while circling Zynell's left thigh.  Rainbow-striped auras surround the cats, forming colorful streamers that crisscross as the sparkling kitties continue the aerial display.
The thick agonite earcuff tightens itself against Miir's ear, causing the jagged shards of xenomite to bite into his skin.  He looks around, startled for a brief moment.
Itzli quickly locks the training box and pockets the key.

Itzli sets about picking his training box.  With a faint *CLICK* it opens.

l in duf bag
In the duffel bag you see a copper-edged oaken strongbox, a cracked mahogany trunk, a sturdy oaken casket, a crust-covered mahogany skippet, a sturdy copper coffer, a misshaped iron crate, a sturdy steel crate, a salt-stained brass crate, a sturdy driftwood strongbox, a copper-edged ironwood casket, a sturdy mahogany skippet, a cracked ironwood caddy, a rusty iron box, a moldy ironwood trunk, a reinforced mahogany box and a worm-eaten deobar strongbox.

The buckle on Miir's leather thighband pulses with a soft light.
Yha traces a geometric sigil in the air.

Zynell closes her eyes and fades swiftly into the shadows.

Itzli quickly locks the training box and pockets the key.

Itzli sets about picking his training box.  With a faint *CLICK* it opens.

Holy Blade Silenciasi just arrived.

Silenciasi's legs are dripping with water.  Pools of it are forming all around him.

You notice Putput attempting to conceal his spell preparations.
Putput raises his palms skyward, chanting.

The eyes of Miir's monk pendant flash white for a moment.
The eyes of Miir's monk pendant flash white for a moment.
One by one, each face on your bowtie fades away until the bowtie is empty.  Without warning, a single giant face suddenly appears, snarling and snickering!  The remaining faces pop back into visibility, each silently laughing a moment before resuming their normal movement.

The dwalgim on Miir's crown pulses with a soft light.
Itzli quickly locks the training box and pockets the key.
