GenieClient / genie3

This Organization of Genie Client is a Community focused development of Conny's Open Source Version of GenieClient
GNU General Public License v3.0
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feat: enhances #mapper commands #11

Closed scottr1634 closed 2 years ago

scottr1634 commented 2 years ago

This means you can check if navigation has failed within scripts. Example:

matchre found ^DESTINATION FOUND
matchre not_found ^DESTINATION NOT FOUND
pause 0.1
send #goto %0
# note that this works with send but not put

echo destination found!

echo not found!
matchre path ^\[AutoMapper\] mapperpath: (.+)$
delay 0.1
send #mapper path 100

echo Path detected as: $1

allowdupes - Toggles mapper to allow or disallow duplicate room descriptions when recording.

Example: #mapper allowdupes true
Example: #mapper allowdupes false

clear - Clears the current map of all rooms.

Example: #mapper clear

color - sets the color of the current room

Example: #mapper color green

debug - Displays setting or toggles mapper debug mode to display additional info.

Example: #mapper debug
Example: #mapper debug true

delete - Deletes the current room or a specified room.

Example: #mapper delete - removes the current room from the map.
Example: #mapper delete 1 - removes room 1 from the map.

find / #locate - Searches all maps for a specific room. Specify name or name|description.

Example: #mapper find First Provincial Bank, Lobby
Example: #mapper find First Provincial Bank, Lobby|Marble tiled floors covered with heavy rugs and walls of polished jasper that gleam a cool blue mark this bank as solid and secure (and expensive).  An official money-changing booth is to one side and a row of tellers windows faces you.  Several guards, armed and armored, stand ready for trouble of any sort.  Near the tellers stands a table of fine wood for those who need to do some writing.

goto / #go / #g / #walk / #walkto - Used to travel to another room on the current map.

Example: #goto 1 

hide - Hides the automapper window.

Example: #mapper hide
See also: #show

id / #zoneid - displays or sets the current zone id.

Example: #mapper zoneid - shows the current id
Example: #mapper zoneid 1 - sets the id to 1

load - Attempts to load a map from disk.

Example: #mapper load Map1_Crossing
See also: #save for path options

lock / #locknodes - Toggles the room lock setting when recording.

Example: #mapper lock true
Example: #mapper lock false
Note: locking can prevent room shifts when rooms overlap.

name / #zonename - displays or sets the current zone name.

Example: #mapper zonename - shows the current name
Example: #mapper zonename The Crossing - sets the name

note / #label / #notes / #labels - Displays all zone notes or adds a note to the current room.

Example: #mapper notes - displays all notes
Example: #mapper note hunting room - adds note "hunting room" to current room.

path - Used to determine the path to another room without initiating travel.

Example: #path 1 
Will also set the 'mapperpath' global variable.

record - Toggles map 'recording' mode where new rooms are added as you move.

Example: #mapper record true
Example: #mapper record false

reset - Reloads all maps from disk and attempts to located the player.

Example: #mapper reset

roomid - Sets the current roomid

Example: #mapper roomid 1 

save - Saves the current map to disk.

Example: #mapper save - uses current file name
Example: #mapper save the_crossing - saves to /Maps/the_crossing.xml
Example: #mapper save /Mazes/the_maze.xml - saves to /Mazes/the_maze.xml

select - Highlights & selects the specified roomid on the map.

Example: #mapper select 1

show - Shows the automapper window.

Example: #mapper show
See also: #hide

snap - Toggles mapper snap-to-grid feature when dragging rooms.

Example: #mapper snap true
Example: #mapper snap false

timeout - Configures automapper timeout in ms.

Example: #mapper timeout 1500 (default)

- Updates gitignore to include the binary in the release folder. Developers will have to explicitly build the release version.
- Updated readme to link to executable.