GeniusesOfSymfony / WebSocketBundle

:part_alternation_mark: Websocket server for Symfony applications (powered by Ratchet), includes a Autobahn.JS based JavaScript client
MIT License
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Connection could not be established #449

Open krajcikondra opened 3 years ago

krajcikondra commented 3 years ago


something went wrong me. My websocket worked recently fine but now I cant estabilish connection.

May related this error? I am not sure if it is User deprecated or exception.

[2021-10-19T22:14:57.151205+02:00] php.INFO: User Deprecated: Since gos/web-socket-bundle 3.1: The "gos_web_socket.event_listener.register_push_handlers" service is deprecated and will be removed in GosWebSocketBundle 4.0. {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): User Deprecated: Since gos/web-socket-bundle 3.1: The \"gos_web_socket.event_listener.register_push_handlers\" service is deprecated and will be removed in GosWebSocketBundle 4.0. at /var/www/html/var/cache/dev/ContainerXdoxQWR/getGosWebSocket_EventListener_RegisterPushHandlersService.php:22)"} []

Except above error in terminal output is no problem and log folder is empty.

Is my config deprecated?

        port: 8888        # The port the socket server will listen on
        host:   # The host ip to bind to
                - '%kernel.project_dir%/config/pubsub/routing.yaml'
        firewall: [api, login, dev, main] # Can be an array of firewalls
        session_handler: 'session.handler.pdo'