Open Gennalynb123 opened 2 years ago
Total Score: 4.75/5 Crossover: Arushi Bharadwaj
AP Testers
Quiz 1 Score: 38/50 Quiz 2 Score: 41/50
GH Indi Page and Review Ticket for following...
Start for week, due EOD Monday - 0.75/1 Comments: The study plan could have been more thorough. The study reflection was well thought out.
Finals - Quiz1 score/50 and corrections - 1/1 Comments: The score was clear and test corrections were thorough.
Finals - Quiz2 score/50 and reflections - 1/1 Comments: The score was clear and test corrections were thorough.
Create Task code/runtime and 1 min video are reviewed by another person, you may request Teacher review as time permits - 1/1 Comments: All elements of the Create Task were completed.
Review ticket with Crossover Score - 1/1 Comments: My review ticket is linked. Grading was done correctly.
AP Testers Score: 4.75/5
Quiz 1 Score: 38/50 Quiz 2 Score: 41/50
GH Indi Page and Review Ticket for following...