GenomeUS / keystone-express-sitemap

Dynamic sitemap generation for applications built on KeystoneJS
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Add an option to define custom list key as idParam #8

Closed jabzzy closed 4 years ago

jabzzy commented 6 years ago


Thought you might find this useful to be in the upstream repo. Quickly reviewed couple of other forks and there were not too many nice solutions, imo. And for some reason, they aren't ported here :)

Any thoughts on this one?

mfitzhenry commented 6 years ago

@jabzzy - Thanks! Would love to know what in your Keystone config required this change?

jabzzy commented 6 years ago

@mfitzhenry, I've set up static pages model and a controller for them with matching route, that looks like this — /:page. I need to be able to change page slugs, hence I didn't use the autokey feature.

If I'm doing it wrong, would love to hear about a more appropriate solution :)

I'm using latest beta of KS.

mfitzhenry commented 6 years ago

@s-plum thoughts?

jabzzy commented 6 years ago

sooo, any update on this? :)