GenomicsStandardsConsortium / mixs

Minimum Information about any (X) Sequence” (MIxS) specification
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Are we going to distribute a PyPI package? What should be included? #630

Open turbomam opened 8 months ago

turbomam commented 8 months ago

The Python representation of the MIxS standard is in src/mixs/datamodel/

@sujaypatil96 has added some doc-generating utilities to src/scripts

turbomam commented 8 months ago

Neither of those paths have an file at this time

turbomam commented 8 months ago

src/mixs_6_2_for_merge/datamodel/ (as an example)

from .mixs_6_2_for_merge import *
turbomam commented 8 months ago

PyPI package build and publishing are included in the default GH actions, but we need to decide whose PyPI account to use and save the credential as a password

Or we can use a project-specific credential


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sujaypatil96 commented 2 weeks ago

Should we make this a priority for the next release, perhaps v7.0?

turbomam commented 1 week ago

see also this, and more

turbomam commented 1 week ago

The release of a PyPI artifact (which will make it easier for people to interact with MIxS programmatically) could be considered orthogonal to MIxS 7, which I mainly think of a s new content.

But maybe it is advantageous to time the PyPI package with MIxS, 7, so that it gets a lot of visibility?

It would be helpful to know what MIxS 7's ETA is.