GenomicsStandardsConsortium / mixs

Minimum Information about any (X) Sequence” (MIxS) specification
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gather user input on web documentation contents and style #635

Closed turbomam closed 1 month ago

turbomam commented 9 months ago

@sujaypatil96 @cmungall and I have worked very hard to

  1. give the MIxS documentation pages a MIxS favor (instead of using LInkML jargon)
  2. temporarily disable the slowest documentation features

Each one of us has additional ideas about 1., and hope about re-enabling 2. Instead of debating amongst us LBL people, I would like to open this discussion to at least include the TWG, and preferably some outside, non-technical users

sujaypatil96 commented 1 month ago

This is a fairly broad issue but I think a lot of concerns around jargon and build speed that were discussed at the time have been addressed. If there are any specific concerns we can make issues for it, but I think this issue can be closed.

Feel free to reopen if you disagree.