GenomicsStandardsConsortium / mixs

Minimum Information about any (X) Sequence” (MIxS) specification
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GSC standards website pages, add back in the MIxS- labels #693

Closed lschriml closed 8 months ago

lschriml commented 8 months ago

Action Items: (1) add back the MIxS-extension acronyms that are currently missing on the website (2) add back in extension specific papers. These could be added to the publication page: and added as links to PubMed on the checklists and extensions pages. They are available in the GSC pubmed collection: I would like to have them present on the GSC web pages as well.

[1] I recently noted that the published names of the extensions are no longer on the extensions page:

This is important as this is part of our MIxS branding. And without these labels, we will loose the connection between the published names of the checklists. For example: MIxS-Food, MIxS-symbiont

MIxS-HCR MIxS-BE: a MIxS extension defining a minimum information standard for sequence data from the built environment

agricultural microbiome studies (MIxS-Ag)

[2] PubMed IDs: Checklists: MIGS PMID: 18464787 MIMS PMID: 18464787 MIMARKS PMID: 21552244

MISAG, MIMAG: PMID: 28787424

[MIBiG] Biosynthetic Gene cluster.
v 2.0( (MIUViG). PMID: 30556814


MIxS-HCR MIxS-BE: a MIxS extension defining a minimum information standard for sequence data from the built environment

agricultural microbiome studies (MIxS-Ag)

only1chunts commented 8 months ago

Hi Lynn, This is website related so the ticket needs to be moved to that repo instead of the mixs one, I'm not sure how to move tickets, so I'll just create a new one there instead to copy your concerns to, and close this ticket.