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fao_class description has link to a dead site #696

Open mslarae13 opened 8 months ago

mslarae13 commented 8 months ago

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is. the link provided to complete fao_class is broken (Soil classification from the FAO World Reference Database for Soil Resources. The list can be found at

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

The link should work, or we should provide a new link.

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

Some things to consider... how often is this slot used? Does an updated link exist? Is this the same thing-> (i don't know what the previous site link looked like)

mslarae13 commented 8 months ago

@turbomam could you query NCBI and see how/ if this slot is filled out much?

only1chunts commented 8 months ago

looking at the FAO website and following links on there, it seems like they now use/recommend ISRIC world soil information list found here: I'm not sure if we should be using that list instead, or if we should be creating an enum ourselves (based on that list and linking to matching ontology terms - the few I checked are in ENVO already).

turbomam commented 8 months ago
    all_attribs aa
    attribute_name = 'fao_class'
group by
order by
    count(1) desc ;

There were only 6242 NCBI Biosamples with a fao_class annotation as of July.

value count
Luvisols 1046
not applicable 452
not collected 431
rendzina 368
Typic Hapludalfs 270
Oxisol 253
Mollisol 232
using EC meter (HORIBA) with a 2:5 soil/water suspension 192
Endostagnic Luvisol from glacial till 192
NA 169
Hoytville silty clay loam 133
Kokomo silty clay loam 132
Phaeozem 126
Fluvisol 120
cambisol 101
chernozem 100
Greyzemic Phaeozem Albic 97
"Fine-silty, mixed, thermic Oxyaquic Fragiudalfs" 96
Chernozem 90
"Fine, mixed, active, mesic Typic Paleudalfs" 90
mesic Lamellic Hapludalfs 90
Typic Argiudoll 88
Cambisol 83
loess 80
using EC meter (LAQUAtwin EC-33B, HORIBA) with a 1:10 soil/water suspension (mS cm-1) 78
Vitric eutric epiarenic 72
missing 67
Typic Argiudolls 66
Podzol 59
Andosol 56
Luvic Phaeozem 54
Luvisol 51
Nitisol 51
Arenosol 48
"Fine-loamy, mixed, subactive, thermic typic Hapludults" 47
Calcaric, Eutric Fluvisol 36
Umbric Epistagnic Albeluvisol 36
Gleysol 34
Cryosol 31
using EC meter (LAQUAtwin EC-33B, HORIBA) with a 1:5 soil/water suspension 30
3a 30
Histosol 27
Haplic Phaeozem 27
Pellic Vertisol 27
arenosols 24
Leptosol 23
sod-podzolic 22
Earth-cumuli-Orthic Anthrosols 21
using EC meter (LAQUAtwin EC-33B, HORIBA) with a 2:5 soil/water suspension (mS cm-1) 20
na 19
Calcisols 18
Ferralsol 17
Mottled Fragic Pallic Soil (Ustochrept) 16
Regosol 12
Vertisol 12
Oxisols 12
Phaozem 9
Planosol 8
Haplic Luvisol 6
Geric Ferralsol 5
Stagnic Cambisol 4
Lithosol 3
Cambisol (almost Ferralsol) 3
fluvisol 3
histosol 3
Kastanozem 3
Umbrisol 3
loamy-skeletal, mixed, active, mesic Lithic Dystrudept 3
vertisol 2
ferralsols 2
phaeozem 2
gypsisol 2
xerosol 1
krasnozem 1
O-horizon 1
fao_class 1
Dark Chestnut soil 1
A - Non-calcaric lithosol, B -D - Typical podzolic brown soil, E - Saline alluvial gley soil 1
Alisol 1
mslarae13 commented 7 months ago

A good chunk of what is in NCBI currently is some variation of the FAO classification.. variations in plurality and capitalization, but it's one of the closer ones I've seen!

That said, I agree with @only1chunts. We should create an FAO enumeration and require it be one of the provided list. Thanks for the link Chris, I wasn't able to find that site.

I'll work on the enum and making the updates to the description now.

mslarae13 commented 7 months ago

Updated, see

Note, the enum already existed so I just updated the available values