Genymobile / gnirehtet

Gnirehtet provides reverse tethering for Android
Apache License 2.0
6.12k stars 565 forks source link

no secure connection #138

Open hippokk opened 5 years ago

hippokk commented 5 years ago

Hello, I have install lineage 14.1 on a samsung galaxy s2. I can't access to internet, with the defaut browser I had this message : "net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED" (with http and https site). I have install firefox klar and with this I can navigate on http internet site but no on https, I have this message : "échec de la connection sécurisée". Also the mail client can't connect to the serveur...

Thanck you

rom1v commented 5 years ago

Is accessible from the computer where you execute the relay server?

If you use a different DNS, you need to specify it:

 ./gnirehtet start -d xx.xx.xx.xx
hippokk commented 5 years ago

I never configure a différent dns for my computer... On my pc goes to but I allow permission to continue... The command ./gnirehtet run work fine on a other phone... (but no internet connection on some app : google play, email) I try different command whitout sucess

./gnirehtet start -d ./gnirehtet start -d


rom1v commented 5 years ago

I have install firefox klar and with this I can navigate on http internet site but no on https, I have this message : "échec de la connection sécurisée"

Is the date/time of your device correct? (it often happens when the date is wrong, because the certificate is expired or in the future)

(but no internet connection on some app : google play, email)

Some apps consider there is no internet when there is no wifi or 3G/4G (even if they're wrong). See

hippokk commented 5 years ago

I fix time date and it fix my problem! thancks! It's strange on the defaut broswer I have again the same error message "net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED"

(but no internet connection on some app : google play, email)

It's right, I connect google play with 3G 4G after I activate airplane mode and I can use google play... No work with email app....