Genymobile / gnirehtet

Gnirehtet provides reverse tethering for Android
Apache License 2.0
6.13k stars 565 forks source link

root@jaydeep:/home/jayppipaliya/Downloads/gnirehtet-rust-linux64# ./gnirehtet autorun 2023-08-08 17:11:12.187 INFO Main: Starting relay server... 2023-08-08 17:11:12.187 INFO Relay: Relay server started 2023-08-08 17:11:12.188 INFO Main: Checking gnirehtet client... 2023-08-08 17:11:12.265 INFO Main: Starting client... Broadcasting: Intent { act=com.genymobile.gnirehtet.START flg=0x400000 cmp=com.genymobile.gnirehtet/.GnirehtetControlReceiver } Broadcast completed: result=0 #506

Open jaydeep-pipaliya opened 11 months ago

jaydeep-pipaliya commented 11 months ago

root@jaydeep:/home/jayppipaliya/Downloads/gnirehtet-rust-linux64# ./gnirehtet autorun 2023-08-08 17:11:12.187 INFO Main: Starting relay server... 2023-08-08 17:11:12.187 INFO Relay: Relay server started 2023-08-08 17:11:12.188 INFO Main: Checking gnirehtet client... 2023-08-08 17:11:12.265 INFO Main: Starting client... Broadcasting: Intent { act=com.genymobile.gnirehtet.START flg=0x400000 cmp=com.genymobile.gnirehtet/.GnirehtetControlReceiver } Broadcast completed: result=0

NA0341 commented 5 months ago

Could you please not paste your log into an issue title and actually make proper requests? Please edit that and add the appropriate info. This cards value is currently negative as it eats up space without even being useful to anyone.

Thank You!