Genymobile / gnirehtet

Gnirehtet provides reverse tethering for Android
Apache License 2.0
6.08k stars 564 forks source link

here it is - fan-made ICON for gnirehtet 😉 #510

Open LeeBinder opened 9 months ago

LeeBinder commented 9 months ago

Icon 512px

Photoshop file (compressed) attached also for editing purpose.

Do you like it?

Icon 512px.psd.tgz

NA0341 commented 4 months ago

Interesting. Looks good (= Maybe a bit too complex for an Item though. More like a logo for a website or similar.

I made a .desktop laucher file and used system Icons for it. Looks pretty good too and changes with your icon pack:


LeeBinder commented 4 months ago

@NA0341 why a lock?? That's correlated to security like Password or encryption apps. I don't see the context to reverse tethering at all.

The icon I made looks fine even if small: Bildschirmfoto 2024-02-26 um 19 58 40

NA0341 commented 3 months ago

@LeeBinder That's just an example. The symbol I used is for VPN's indicating a secure connection (network-vpn). Since Gnirehtet connects as a VPN Profile on Android to a server on Desktop via TCP with SSL/TLS encryption, it ofc is an encrypted connection that also pretends to be a VPN (at least on the Android side). Satisfied?

But that's not the point. My points are the issues with Custom Icons:

That's why especially for something simple using already available icons is sufficient. After all the main purpose of an icon to tell applications apart without reading their name.