Genymobile / scrcpy

Display and control your Android device
Apache License 2.0
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need help asap #2001

Open SyncMaster93 opened 3 years ago

SyncMaster93 commented 3 years ago

hello fellow companions, i want to connect with scrcpy two devices on wi fi? any solution

rom1v commented 3 years ago

Just read the doc:

SyncMaster93 commented 3 years ago

Just read the doc:

need more precise answer man

OJ7 commented 3 years ago

Just read the doc:

need more precise answer man

to get the serial, you can use adb devices -l

samd1904 commented 3 years ago

For Usb connection scrcpy --serial 0123456789abcdef scrcpy -s 0123456789abcdef # short version

For TCP connection

scrcpy --serial scrcpy -s # short version

P.S. Enter your device's serial number or ip address Open multiple terminals for multiple device connections.

nobody40 commented 3 years ago

Can you change the output name to some thing else besides xteve.m3u?

ramiz88 commented 3 years ago

Для подключения по USB scrcpy --serial 0123456789abcdef scrcpy -s 0123456789abcdef # короткая версия

Для TCP-соединения

scrcpy --serial scrcpy -s # короткая версия

PS Введите серийный номер или IP-адрес вашего устройства. Откройте несколько терминалов для подключения нескольких устройств.

Совершено верно ...и все будет работать ..