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Holding period for content changing #17

Closed codynhat closed 3 years ago

codynhat commented 3 years ago

I've been thinking more about a specific bad case:

Someone purchases a license and pays the minimum fees (at least 2 weeks). They immediately increase the value super high, change content to something unwanted for that small period of time and never pay the license fee again. So they are willing to pay the high license fee for a small amount of time to do sort of a temporary attack.

This would be mitigated by owners not letting their fees get too low, since the buyer has to also pay the existing fees. But we could also introduce some sort of holding period for changing content. If someone snatches up a license, they must wait a certain amount of time (a few days?) before adding new content. This gives the previous owner a chance to rebuttal before someone ruins their content.

Thoughts? @gravenp

gravenp commented 3 years ago

We definitely need to think and work through mechanics around transfers to make that process smooth, fair, and safe. Couple threads:

codynhat commented 3 years ago

Yea that makes sense for the MVP. If this becomes an issue, the first logical step is to increase the minimum fee.