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Dynamic or fixed land grid? #3

Closed codynhat closed 3 years ago

codynhat commented 3 years ago

When representing land using a grid-based system (Geohash, Plus codes, etc), there are two methods to choose from:

1. Fixed size plots of land

2. Dynamic size plots of land

For 1), larger areas of land are represented by purchasing smaller areas in a batch. This can be done more efficiently using ERC1155.

2) would allow a plot of land to be represented by a single NFT. But it still may require batches depending on how well the specific Geohash represents the land the buyer wants.

It seems that representing a single plot of land with a single NFT should be a design goal. For example:

codynhat commented 3 years ago

It seems the main open question is how well will option 2 represent the land that people want? Batches may always be needed, but how often?

In general, the more people buying batches of NFTs means worse liquidity.

gravenp commented 3 years ago

Yeah, I think you're on the right track. Seems inevitable that land parcels will need to be able to consist of multiple Geohashes/Plus Codes/etc, but we would want them to roll up to single "entity" to make Harberger taxes and transfers feasible/manageable. Also, forced sales under the Harberger system should only be for complete parcels and not partials (if an owner wants to sell just part, they should split up their parcel accordingly).

codynhat commented 3 years ago

Yea good points. Thought a lot about this today. Some thoughts:

Going back to our previous conversation, this would now essentially be drawing polygons, with the "thickness" of borders being the granularity of the grid. The only difference is that using Geohashes or Plus codes would have predetermined, non-overlapping slices to choose from. This makes lookups a constant time operation, instead of scaling with the number of outstanding parcels.

codynhat commented 3 years ago

Remaining questions: