GeoCat / bridge-style

Cartography library making style format conversions as easy as using Python.
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String concatenation expression transformed into math additions #93

Open aaime opened 3 weeks ago

aaime commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug When using string concantenation to generate a label from multiple fields in QGIS, it's possible to use the "+" operator. Exporting it, the generated OGC Filter expression is a ogc:Add rather than a Concatenate function.

To Reproduce

The following screenshot shows the input, the generated map, and the generated SLD:


Expected behavior The plugin should recognize the different context and generate a string concatenation expression.

Environment info (please complete the following information):

GeoSander commented 2 weeks ago

Good catch @aaime, this should definitely be fixed especially for labeling scenarios (which I believe is how you discovered this in the first place).

Since the style conversion actually happens in bridge-style and not in qgis-bridge-plugin, I took the liberty to transfer your issue.