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TR: GeoERA: Access to doc repository production module #497

Closed fire-bot closed 3 years ago

fire-bot commented 3 years ago

Sent by Darnault Romain. Created by fire.

Dear Partners,

We have a request from the Hotlime project (below) asking if there is any way other than manual (that is tedious and time consuming) to pass the data entered in the test module to the production module?

If there is no way, could you please provide the production module credentials for the production module (for the HotLime, HIKE and GeoConnect3D projects) to upload further illustrations and documents?

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,


De : Diepolder, Gerold, Dr. (LfU)
Envoy� : jeudi 8 avril 2021 08:55
� : Martin Hansen
Cc : Darnault Romain ; David Garcia Objet : GeoERA: Access to doc repository production module
Importance : Haute

Dear Martin,

After uploading all the illustrations to be attached to HotLime and HIKE vocab concepts (remember the email conversation with Jonas in February and the somewhat unwieldy process), I had to learn from Romain and David that it is not foreseen to convey the data from the testing module ( to the production module *** ([](!!KbSiYrE!3S1WdCXbk_GmHSQCCEOZ5Wo28mPG2j6zSAYhOFdb-EBDohjy-pX1Zk7vb4IgKVY824&data=047C017Cdgarcia40naturalsciences.be7Cd3c6864ba3e746e1fcae08d8f2b060c37C4da8d35db472419c9e15665786aadbfb7C07C07C6375261866432720717CUnknown7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn03D7C1000&sdata=gqqsPMc28TuSZdj9TOm5is6CeslVQHtWHsRA8sF7wYc*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUl!!KbSiYrE!yqk6hm-rdwZMKmEZCrAJNeps47z4FCUzH0zCTplaxk5DXZKfEgXtXlqQicyidcjd$)). Thus I used the repository and I have to do it all again in the production module. Hence,

Thank you in advance for your advice and assistance.

Best wishes


Dr. Gerold Diepolder
LEAR & GeoERA coordination LfU
HotLime Project Lead
Bayerisches Landesamt f�r Umwelt
Bavarian Environment Agency
Geologischer Dienst
Geological Survey
Haunstetter Strasse 112
D-86161 Augsburg

bgsmase commented 3 years ago

Reply from Martin Hansen below:

Good morning Gerold,

Sorry for the late answer. I have been on vacations.

We – unfortunately – don’t have a procedure for mowing data from test to production. As I read your mail at least part of the data you have been uploading are pdf-files. As the metadata are written into the pdf-files during upload little less tedious procedure could be to download the pdf-files you have been uploading to test and reupload them to production. The Administration module will then read the metadata from the pdf-files so you don’t have to enter them once more.

I’ll create a user account for you in production. You will have the same username and I will send you the password in a separate mail

Best regards,


bgsmase commented 3 years ago

Closing issue as the question has been answered (in the negative).