GeoEra-GIP / Project-Support-WP8

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details table in EGDI map #548

Closed lbaenar closed 3 years ago

lbaenar commented 3 years ago

Hello, I am trying to upload a shapefile and/or a geopackage but I do not know how to show the details table with the information for each pilot when I click on a pilot. I am trying to create a geopackage in arcgis (I do not use QGIS). I import a feature class and a table in the geopackage with the information I want to show but it does not show in the EGDI map. Can somebody help me with this issue?

Thank you in advance. Leticia

nmtoken commented 3 years ago

I think we had a similar issue discussed in It should just work, if not there may be an issue with your data such as perhaps invalid geometry

lbaenar commented 3 years ago

In the #545 issue I had the problem that I could not upload a shapefile neither a geopackage, but it was solved by creating a new user account because there was a typo error. Now the problem is that the detail table is not showed when I click on a pilot area. I tried it by uploading a shapefile and also a geopackage (the corrected one in the issue #545, attached below). I reviewed the EGDI FAQ ( but it was not usefull for me. I would be very grateful is someone could help me to create the geopackage or the shapefile to get this functionality. Another option is that somebody share with me a geopackage (from other WP) that works well and I can try to upload it in order to test if it also works for me.

nmtoken commented 3 years ago

Sorry, to clarify.

You had the problem of uploading the data because of the bad user account, but in the process of determining that issue, I uploaded your data, and had the issue you are describing in this issue, that is no attribute/information showing ~ see my comment on 8th July.

lbaenar commented 3 years ago

Exactly. In that issue I also commented that the attributes table was not shown and @mh-geus-dk sent the link to the EGDI FAQ, but it is not useful for me.

mh-geus-dk commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm not sure I understand the problem correctly. I have just uploaded the data to the test site and added to to this map: Test map and the data shows up fine when I click on a pilot site. Is that what you want? I noticed that the projection in the delivered data are in EPSG:4326. EGDI is optimized for EPSG:3034 Best Martin

lbaenar commented 3 years ago

Dear Martin, you are right, that is the problem. Have you uploaded the same geopackage that I sent on 8 August? I do not know why it does not work when I upload it. I will try again and share the result.

Thank you very much, Leticia

mh-geus-dk commented 3 years ago

Yes I took the GeoPackage from your three days old post. So it is strange it doesn't work for you. When you try again please share a link to the uploaded data set (from the "Data set" menu). Good luck Martin

lbaenar commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much, Martin. I have uploaded the geopackage again and I created a new web map with the projection EPSG: 3034 and now it works. I think the problem could be the web map.

I think we can close this issue.

Best regards, Leticia