GeoEra-GIP / Project-Support-WP8

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Extract Maps from EGDI #785

Open fire-bot opened 1 year ago

fire-bot commented 1 year ago

Sent by Silvia Rettinger

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing due to issues in regards to your interactive map.

After having selected the relevant layers and relevant commodities, I was wondering whether it is possible to export the selected data directly to continue working with it with a GIS software (in my case QGIS). In order to clarify my issue, I also included the link of the map at the end of this email.

When I try to export certain layers, I always obtain every commodity which is included and not only the selected commodity. Is there a way to get these specific layers, too?

Thank you very much for your help and support in advance!

All the best from Vienna,

Silvia Rettinger (Earth Sciences, University of Vienna)

Link to the corresponding map:,638780,8456410,5826600&layers=minerals_yearbook_exploration,minerals_yearbook_unfc,minerals_yearbook_reserve,minerals_yearbook_production_v2,minerals_yearbook_resource,egdi_mineraloccurrence_areas,egdi_mines,egdi_mineraloccurr_critical_raw_materials,egdi_mineraloccurrences_inspire&filter_0=commodity%3DLithium%26collection_year%3D2019&filter_1=commodity_group%3DLithium&filter_2=commodity_group%3DLithium%26collection_year%3D2019&filter_3=commoditygroup%3DLithium%26year%3D2019%26label.config%3Damount_produced_hidden&filter_4=commodity_group%3DLithium%26collection_year%3D2019&filter_5=importancelist_hidden.multi%3D%26commodity_group_hidden.multi%3D%26commodity.multi%3D%252Clithium%252C&filter_6=commodity.multi%3DLithium%26status.multi%3D%26miningactivity.part%3D&filter_7=commodity_hidden.multi%3Dlithium&filter_8=importancelist_hidden.multi%3D%26commodity_group_hidden.multi%3D%26commodity.multi%3D%252CLithium%252C

nmtoken commented 1 year ago

Contacted sender with link

nmtoken commented 1 year ago

I note that the reported link gets converted to just,-591990,10953720,7057370

when pasted in a browser making it difficult to debug any reported issue.

nmtoken commented 1 year ago

Very similar question to

Waiting confirmation but I think that it is currently not possible to download the result of any query made in the EGDI portal GUI. The options for working with the data outside of the portal are either download the whole dataset, or access the associated WMS/WFS for the map layers of interest.

Map layers are the results of queries (or views) of the whole dataset, so it is possible that data shown in one map layer is duplicated in another; this applies also to the WMS layers/WFS feature types.