GeoNet / fits

Field Time Series
Apache License 2.0
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Convenience showing of FITS API call GNSS specific interactive map #125

Open mabznz opened 7 years ago

mabznz commented 7 years ago

Where typeID is derived from which type plots we are showing and siteID is derived from Site clicked on.

There is push back on this one around strategy on consistent data access site.

mabznz commented 7 years ago

@elidana Ok, curl is quite magic when you look hard. This works for a site to produce the three csv's but is still cli.

curl -s -H "Accept: plain/text;version=1" "{e,n,u}&siteID=HOLD&networkID=CG" -o "HOLD_#1.csv"

Even Better

curl -s -H "Accept: plain/text;version=1" "{e,n,u}&siteID={HOLD,PALI}&networkID=CG" -o "#2_#1.csv"