GeoNet / fits

Field Time Series
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FITS interactive charts - parameter groupings #65

Open carolinelittle opened 9 years ago

carolinelittle commented 9 years ago

As there are so many parameters it might be more user friendly if the parameters were grouped. Currently to look at GPS/GNSS plots you select 'up' or 'east'

Also more than half of the first 10 parameters don't have any data ATM?

carolinelittle commented 9 years ago

Building on this, it would be great if you could select multiple (linked) parameters, e.g. if you could 'ctrl select' up, north, and east as well as several GPS stations, or H2S and CO2, to compare on graphs below.

rumachan commented 8 years ago

@carolinelittle @gclitheroe I've just been talking with Brad about the general issue of making data in FITS easily findable by the everyday users of our data (non-scientists, such as DOC staff or White Island tour guides, to use his examples). He is quite vocal about this, as always, but I suspect others share his views, to some extent, only they haven't yet said anything.

I think it would be a good idea for us to have a strategic chat about how we are going to get FITS more used, more usable. Its probably a combination of things: -some more outreach so people know its there and what data are available. This is partly held up by the lack of frequently updating vocano data -some in-house education on using url queries, for those who can understand or want to understand. I suspect some, like Brad, simply don't want to understand -some plan for what an interactive interface to FITS looks like, beyond what already exists.

If we can do that then I think we'd have a good forward path.

rumachan commented 7 years ago

I think my earlier comment is still useful. One view is that FITS itself could have improved plotting capability. An alternative is that another tool, which accesses FITS data, does the plotting and provides these improved capabilities.