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No data for MKAZ and KBAZ for Jan 2016 #19

Closed carolinelittle closed 7 years ago

carolinelittle commented 7 years ago

A user has emailed to say they can't retrieve waveform data from FDSNW or CWB for stations MKAZ and KBAZ for Jan and Feb 2016.

I've had a look at request tracker, and MKAZ's spotty reception might explain some loss (or not). But there's nothing there that would explain KBAZ.

@quiffman, can you get someone take a look?

ozym commented 7 years ago

Didn't a tree fall on it?

carolinelittle commented 7 years ago

It did! but that was 2 years ago

rumachan commented 7 years ago

But no KBAZ for all of 2016.

carolinelittle commented 7 years ago

@rumachan Thanks for the answer re KBAZ.

Do you know if there are lost data for MKAZ from the spotty reception?

filefolder commented 7 years ago

hi there- i am the aforementioned user trying to access data for these sites.

does anyone know if KBAZ and MKAZ are currently recording data (as of right now) that will eventually (~next few months) be available online? or are they not recording at all? just checked again, nothing online for either.

we are planning a small temporary array in the greater Hauraki rift / Coromandel area but without those sites recording we may wait.


rumachan commented 7 years ago

MKAZ = yes, KBAZ = no

I can see MKAZ data, don't know why you can't. All data are available as they come in, there is no 'eventually available online'

filefolder commented 7 years ago

thanks, ok. is there an ETA on KBAZ's return?

as far as MKAZ, finally got it to work after many attempts. i suspect i am having a formatting issue with the CWB utility.

according to the CWB directions on geonet using the -s "NZMKAZ" flag will download all data in NZ/MKAZ but that doesn't work for any sites, the -s flag string is quite particular.

for example, site ABAZ which works fine (IF the search string is padded to the full length of NZSSSSSCCCLL)

$ java -jar /installed/GeoNetCWBQuery-4.2.0-bin.jar -d 1d -b "2016,270-13:00:00" -t ms -s "NZABAZ....10" Using default logging configuration. 22:50:33.370Z Query on NZABAZ EHE10 014574 mini-seed blks 2016 270:12:59:56.9083 2016 271:13:00:01.468 ns=8640457 22:50:34.382Z Query on NZABAZ EHN10 014791 mini-seed blks 2016 270:12:59:58.7483 2016 271:13:00:03.498 ns=8640476 22:50:35.483Z Query on NZABAZ EHZ10 014997 mini-seed blks 2016 270:12:59:55.1783 2016 271:13:00:04.098 ns=8640893 44362 Total blocks transferred in 4077 ms 10881 b/s 0 #dups=0

but same query for MKAZ, nope

$ java -jar /installed/GeoNetCWBQuery-4.2.0-bin.jar -d 1d -b "2016,270-13:00:00" -t ms -s "NZMKAZ....10" Using default logging configuration. *\ Unexpected EOF Found

limit the search to channel Z, still no

$ java -jar /installed/GeoNetCWBQuery-4.2.0-bin.jar -d 1d -b "2016,270-13:00:00" -t ms -s "NZMKAZ...Z10" Using default logging configuration. *\ Unexpected EOF Found

but if now limit to channel *HZ, it works

$ java -jar /installed/GeoNetCWBQuery-4.2.0-bin.jar -d 1d -b "2016,270-13:00:00" -t ms -s "NZMKAZ..HZ10" Using default logging configuration. 22:52:28.172Z Query on NZMKAZ HHZ10 014163 mini-seed blks 2016 270:12:59:55.8083 2016 271:13:00:06.588 ns=8641079 22:52:28.500Z Query on NZMKAZ LHZ10 000340 mini-seed blks 2016 270:12:59:33.0695 2016 271:13:04:40.070 ns=86708 14503 Total blocks transferred in 1829 ms 7929 b/s 0 #dups=0

not sure why? but i can obviously work around it

rumachan commented 7 years ago

Have asked about KBAZ ETA. It has been down a long time so there might be a particular reason, not just that no one has got round to it.

carolinelittle commented 7 years ago

I think the hold up with KBAZ is that we require a new permit with Auckland Council to build a new cabinet...

rumachan commented 7 years ago

The repair to KBAZ has been put on hold while the technical team concentrate on a big project upgrading the cGPS receivers around the country. It was 'destroyed' when part of a tree fell on the site, if I recall correctly. If we decide to prioritise the work, then it would still take a few months as, as @carolinelittle points out, a new permit from Auckland Council is required because we intend to alter the housing of the gear at the site.

What are the time constraints on your temporary array?

filefolder commented 7 years ago

the array will be up for a year give or take; if the KBAZ repair was going to take a ~month we might have waited but it's not a large issue.

the larger issue was MKAZ; luckily it is back up as that site is in a valuable location.

thanks all!

ozym commented 7 years ago

The CWB error message: *** Unexpected EOF Found was indicating a fault with the server (most like a memory issue, or a number of files open problem). The server has been restarted so these queries should now work, I've tested one and its giving me data.