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Accessing tide gauge data via ObsPy from the CWB_Client not working ? #38

Closed elidana closed 7 years ago

elidana commented 7 years ago

A user has problems in accessing tide gauge data through CWB

I had successfully and repeatedly used obspy to access the CWB_Client to retrieve tide gauge data for the Kaikaura tide gauge and others.

This currently doesn't seem to work.

Here is an excerpt of the code I'm using:

        eventTime = UTCDateTime('2016-11-13T11:02:56.00Z')
        st = self.client.get_waveforms(network="NZ",
                                  channel= channel, #'?T?', '*', 'BTT'
                                  starttime = eventTime - datetime.timedelta(hours=self.prerun),
                                  endtime = eventTime+duration*60*60)

        if bandpass:
            print 'TG_Class: getLiveTideGuagesObsPy: de-tiding with bandpass filter and de-mean ...'
            st.filter('bandpass', freqmin=1/3600.0, freqmax=1/180.0, corners=2, zerophase=True)

        data = st.merge().traces[0].data/10000.0

the problem is that st.traces is returned as an empty list. I've tried the LTH channel and BTT, but no luck. Tide gauges I tried are KAIT, SUMT. The server seems to be up as I do not get any error message. Any idea what might be going on there ?

seamap3d commented 7 years ago

Thanks for posting ...

elidana commented 7 years ago

Hello @seamap3d , you should now be able to access the data. Could you please have a look and advise us if you are still having problem? Thanks

seamap3d commented 7 years ago

unfortunately now I get:

extracting tide guage data for : 2016-11-13T11:02:56.00Z KAIT 17-04-07 00:10:07 Timeout on connection - try to reconnect 17-04-07 00:10:37 Timeout on connection - try to reconnect


seamap3d commented 7 years ago

Thanks heaps guys it seems fixed now and I can access the data again ... I'll close the issue

seamap3d commented 7 years ago

Ha ! I don't think I actually can close this ;) - would you mind ?