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FDSNWS - Fetchdata queries Always returning NZ stations ( #59

Closed salichon closed 2 years ago

salichon commented 5 years ago

---translated from my colleague in France. Dr Bertrand Delouis. (June 28 and August 27)

It seems there is a Pb with Fetchdata and the NZ stations: --> NZ stations are provided whatever how the queries is perfomed over a constrained latitude/longitude It looks like a configuration problem around data selection from a reference point. This issue does not occur over other National Networks

For instance a query over a quake in France within 5 degrees radius distance will return NZ stations in addition to the French ones .

Example of query: `> #!/bin/bash

Set service base path, change to your own service host #for past


Set all service specific locations using the service base

TIMESERIESWS="${SERVICEBASE}/fdsnws/dataselect/1" METADATAWS="${SERVICEBASE}/fdsnws/station/1" EVENTWS="${SERVICEBASE}/fdsnws/event/1" SACPZWS="${SERVICEBASE}/fdsnws/sacpz/1" RESPWS="${SERVICEBASE}/fdsnws/resp/1"


exec ../FetchData-2017.164 -N '*' -C 'HH?,BH?,LH?,HN?,BN?,LN?' --radius 47.110:-0.440:5 -s 2019-06-21T06:48:56 -e 2019-06-21T07:00:56 -o data.mseed -m resp.metadata `

salichon commented 5 years ago

Tested as above mentioned (NZ only)

FetchData-2020.314 -N 'NZ' -C 'HH?,BH?,LH?,HN?,BN?,LN?' --radius 47.110:-0.440:5 -s 2019-06-21T06:48:56 -e 2019-06-21T07:00:56 -o data.mseed -m resp.metadata . Returns: "processed metadata for 0 channel epochs in 0.5 seconds"

NZ data only (should return nothing over quake in France within 5 degrees radius distance that used to return NZ stations in addition to the French)

As opposed to, for instance,

FetchData-2020.314 -N 'NZ' -C 'HH?,BH?,LH?,HN?,BN?,LN?' --radius -47:172:5 -s 2019-06-21T06:48:56 -e 2019-06-21T07:00:56 -o data.mseed -m resp.metadata . Returns: "Received 1.2 KB of metadata in 2.1 seconds (596 Bytes/s) Processed metadata for 45 channel epochs in 2.1 seconds"

salichon commented 2 years ago

Tested and resolved with fetchdata updates