GeoNode / geonode-project

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Cannot access jenkins (http 500), missing port in nginx config #495

Open vidlb opened 8 months ago

vidlb commented 8 months ago

When trying to access /jenkins, the request fails with the following nginx error in the logs :

2023/10/25 14:28:45 [error] 19#19: *3284 invalid port in upstream "jenkins:"
[25/Oct/2023:14:28:45 +0000] "GET /jenkins HTTP/1.1" 500 177 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/119.0"

I think I found the problem in the compose file, I'll open a PR after testing the fix.

Deployed with branch v4.1.x and docker-compose

vidlb commented 8 months ago

I can now access the interface using the fix provided in #496 , but the initialization of jenkins doesn't work, every plugin failed to install with the following error Failed to dynamically deploy this plugin

Mostly due to version mismatch :
You must update Jenkins from version 2.164 to version (...) or later to run this plugin.

The version in the current yml (2.164) seems too old. I'll try with version 2.414.
Edit: this latest version isn't working / container cannot init because a config opt httpsKeyStore is required when using https.
But it is working if httpsPort wasn't passed

vidlb commented 8 months ago

Duplicate of