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Failed to get the certificates #5260

Closed dpadron closed 4 years ago

dpadron commented 4 years ago

Log for Container letsencrypt_1

End of life plan for ACMEv1 Any solution to use ACMEv2?


Wed Nov 13 15:03:38 UTC 2019

Trying to get PRODUCTION certificate Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log An unexpected error occurred

The client lacks sufficient authorization :: Account creation on ACMEv1 is disabled. Please upgrade your ACME client to a version that supports ACMEv2 / RFC 8555. See for details.

Please see the logfiles in /var/log/letsencrypt for more details. Failed to get the certificates !


t-book commented 4 years ago

ACMEv1 has reached EOL in November. I think we need to update the certbot.

t-book commented 4 years ago

hi @dpadron could you kindly test to replace

with this updated version

don't forget to rebuild your containers and let me know if it works.

dpadron commented 4 years ago

Hi t-book, I performed the test and the following error is generated:

STARTING LETSENCRYPT ENTRYPOINT --------------------- Sun Nov 17 09:38:02 UTC 2019 Trying to get PRODUCTION certificate Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log An unexpected error occurred: KeyError: 'Directory field not found' Please see the logfiles in /var/log/letsencrypt for more details. Failed to get the certificates ! Waiting 30s to avoid hitting Letsencrypt rate limits before it's even possible to react $\n\n\n

dpadron commented 4 years ago

Solved Updated FROM alpine: 3.8

in /docker/letsencrypt/Dockerfile

Thanks t-book for the help

t-book commented 4 years ago

great! this is what I actually just planned to try :))

the reason is the acme2 protocol has been added in certbot 22+ the current alpine image has certbot below:

/ # certbot --version
certbot 0.14.0

As I currently do not use spc can you do me a favour and test alpine 3.8 image with the original entrypoint? the question is if the newer certbot already respects acme2 without the --server option.

t-book commented 4 years ago

@dpadron okay tested it. it looks we need the --server for acme2

dpadron commented 4 years ago

Hi t-book, I tried it in geonode-project -master Mode: Docker S.O. Ubuntu 18.04

Directory: /docker/letsencrypt/ Edit: and Dockerfile

Everything worked correctly

I'm going to do tests in SPC and I tell you

I attach content files Dockerfile and

FROM alpine:3.8

# 1-2. Install system dependencies
RUN apk add --no-cache certbot py-pip && pip install pyopenssl==16.0.0 # Need to downgrade PyOpenSSL to 16.0.0 to avoid conflicts and solve the cryptography error :

# Installing scripts
RUN chmod +x /

# Installing cronjobs
ADD crontab /crontab
RUN /usr/bin/crontab /crontab && \
    rm /crontab

# Setup the entrypoint

# We run cron in foreground to update the certificates
CMD /usr/sbin/crond -f


# Exit script in case of error
set -e

echo $"\n\n\n"
echo "-----------------------------------------------------"
echo "STARTING LETSENCRYPT ENTRYPOINT ---------------------"

# We make the config dir
mkdir -p "/geonode-certificates/$LETSENCRYPT_MODE"

# Do not exit script in case of error
set +e

# We run the command
if [ "$LETSENCRYPT_MODE" == "staging" ]; then
    printf "\nTrying to get STAGING certificate\n"
    certbot --config-dir "/geonode-certificates/$LETSENCRYPT_MODE" certonly certonly --webroot -w "/geonode-certificates" -d "$HTTPS_HOST" -m "$ADMIN_EMAIL" --agree-tos --non-interactive --staging --server
elif [ "$LETSENCRYPT_MODE" == "production" ]; then
    printf "\nTrying to get PRODUCTION certificate\n"
    certbot --config-dir "/geonode-certificates/$LETSENCRYPT_MODE" certonly --webroot -w "/geonode-certificates" -d "$HTTPS_HOST" -m "$ADMIN_EMAIL" --agree-tos --non-interactive --server
    printf "\nNot trying to get certificate (simulating failure, because LETSENCRYPT_MODE variable was neither staging nor production\n"

# If the certbot comand failed, we will create a placeholder certificate
if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then
    # Exit script in case of error
    set -e

    printf "\nFailed to get the certificates !\n"

    printf "\nWaiting 30s to avoid hitting Letsencrypt rate limits before it's even possible to react\n"
    sleep 30

    exit 1

printf "\nCertificate have been created/renewed successfully\n"

echo "-----------------------------------------------------"
echo "FINISHED LETSENCRYPT ENTRYPOINT ---------------------"
echo "-----------------------------------------------------"

# Run the CMD 
exec "$@"
7scorp commented 3 years ago

Has this solution been merged into the main geonode docker install? If not, where do I find the updated file t-book mentioned?