GeoTIFF / georaster-layer-for-leaflet

Display GeoTIFFs and soon other types of raster on your Leaflet Map
Apache License 2.0
283 stars 57 forks source link

almost there! #138

Open DanielJDufour opened 7 months ago

DanielJDufour commented 7 months ago

test with

npm install georaster-layer-for-leaflet@next
jcphill commented 5 months ago

If I zoom in far enough to see pixels I get a "polys is not defined" error from Reported as

jcphill commented 5 months ago

Also not sure how to reproduce the behavior of the old getProjector() function (with no arguments) that would return a transform from raster coordinates to (longitude, latitude).

DanielJDufour commented 5 months ago

@jcphill , great catch. I missed that. I'll add in the getProjector function and make sure we have backwards compatibility for those documented functions. Thank you!

jcphill commented 5 months ago

When I have multiple georaster layers loaded at the same time somehow the tile lists are getting crossed. If I change which layer is attached to the map the tiles don't update but if I pan the map then new tiles are added from the new raster. Tiles can even end up drawn on the wrong pane.

DanielJDufour commented 5 months ago

@jcphill , just a quick update. I re-added some of the backwards compatibility, especially focusing on getProjector. It should have the same functionality if you call it without arguments. I published a new next version to NPM, so npm install georaster-layer-for-leaflet@next should install this new version.


I still need to do the following:

Thank you for all your help testing this new version!!!