GeoTIFF / georaster-layer-for-leaflet

Display GeoTIFFs and soon other types of raster on your Leaflet Map
Apache License 2.0
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Sample from previously loaded tiles at higher zoom level when I zoom out #43

Open DanielJDufour opened 3 years ago

Rennzie commented 3 years ago

@DanielJDufour this would be an amazing feature. If I understand it correctly the image would remain higher res when zooming back out because it is using the already fetched overlays?

DanielJDufour commented 3 years ago

Yes, that's correct!

Rennzie commented 3 years ago

Yes, that's correct!

Amazing. Have you got any sort of time line on this? Or, could I help in anyway. I'm very new to leaflet plugins and class implementations in general but if there are ways I can help please let me know.

DanielJDufour commented 3 years ago

I can't provide a timeline. It probably won't be soon though. If you'd like to attempt it, I'm most open to pull requests!

If you want to try it, I would look at using drawImage:

Rennzie commented 3 years ago

Ok great. Working with images is pretty new for me but I should have a chance in the New Year to give this a go. If you've got a minute or two to brain dump on how you see this working or what needs to be changed updated, that would be really usefull.