Closed glaroc closed 1 year ago
Hi. Does this link help?
Absolutely! It works like a charm now.
I couldn't find a resampling option in the documentation. Is this documented somewhere ?
Thank you!
I've generated a COG of a land cover (integer) map and hosted it on the cloud. I used gdalwarp with nearest resampling for the creation of the cog and the overviews. I used pixelValuesToColorFn to assign a distinct color for every land cover category. When loaded in georaster-layer-for-leaflet, there are "holes" of transparency in the map. It appears that the overviews contain interpolated values that don't correspond to one of the values of the raster. If I debug the pixelValuesToColorFn function, I see some values are passed to it that are not on the actual map. When I zoom in to have the tiles at the maximum resolution, all colors are ok.
See this screenshot
When I load the same map from the URL in QGIS, I don't get this problem, at any zoom level.
With v 3.7.2