Geocld / sparkee

A publish tool for monorepo,just like lerna but support pnpm.
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bug: initial generated changelog includes every package commit in monorepo #14

Closed jrson83 closed 1 year ago

jrson83 commented 1 year ago


When using sparkee the first time in a monorepo to publish a package which already has git-tags and no changelog, sparkee generates a changelog which includes EVERY commit that has been made to the package, since the creation of the git-repository.


See the savescum repo.

Here is what I did:

  1. I created the tag savescum@0.1.0 and published to npm and pushed the release.
  2. I made two commits to the savescum package:
  1. I used sparkee to publish savescum@0.1.1 and generate a changelog.
  2. The changelog includes every commit made to the package in the changelog.

Expected result

Sparkee should only include a range of commits made between the two releases of v0.1.0 and v0.1.1.