Geocld / sparkee

A publish tool for monorepo,just like lerna but support pnpm.
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bug: grouped post for #14 & #15 #17

Closed jrson83 closed 1 year ago

jrson83 commented 1 year ago


The two problems described occur due to the configuration of the sparkee-cliff-monorepo.toml tag_pattern = "@*".

It assumes that every package name in a monorepo starts with @. My main-package for example is called savescum and the web package @savescum/web.

I tested the whole thing and with the following pattern #14 & #15 are solved.

tag_pattern = "*@[0-9]*"

To exclude Releases from changelog (like here) I will add the following to the commit exclude pattern:

{ message = "^release:", skip = true },

And since the automatic link tagging for the version inside the changelog does not work, without using compare branches, I will remove the square brackets for the monorepo template.