Closed YXYCZXY closed 10 months ago
Does this mean that these values cannot be empty?
Maybe the vertices don't have a z value?
Maybe the vertices don't have a z value?
Do Z values need to be processed through tesselate_building?
yes that tool will add z values
yes that tool will add z values
Thank you very much, I'll give it a try.
Btw I'm planning to add polygon support in pg2b3dm, well something for a next release
"The 'boundingVolume' in the generated tileset.json contains a region instead of a box. I was expecting a box because using results in a not found error. How should I modify this? Thank you.
The data used is: bldg_footprints.shp.
The command used is:
tesselate_building -U postgres -h localhost -d datagis -t bldg -f mapbox -i geom -o geom_triangle --idcolumn id --stylecolumn style --shaderscolumn shaders
pg2b3dm -h localhost -U postgres -c geom_triangle --shaderscolumn shaders -t bldg -d datagis -g 100,0"
tileset.json: { "geometricError": 100.0, "root": { "transform": [ 0.9682309627532959, 0.2500576674938202, 0.0, 0.0, -0.15790829062461853, 0.6114256978034973, 0.7753861546516418, 0.0, 0.193891242146492, -0.7507528066635132, 0.6314874887466431, 0.0, 1238318.875, -4794808.5, 4006101.5, 1.0 ], "geometricError": 100.0, "refine": "ADD", "boundingVolume": { "region": [ -1.319322081929964, 0.6822386041030266, -1.3167909422503494, 0.684701563088823, 0.0, 76.58 ] }, "content": { "uri": "content/{level}{x}{y}.glb" }, "implicitTiling": { "availableLevels": 5, "subdivisionScheme": "QUADTREE", "subtreeLevels": 3, "subtrees": { "uri": "subtrees/{level}{x}{y}.subtree" } } }, "asset": { "generator": "pg2b3dm", "version": "1.1" } }
region is always generated, where do you get this error ("using results in a not found error")?
region is always generated, where do you get this error ("using results in a not found error")?
ah you are using MapBox, this is not supported at the moment. You have to use Cesium or an old version of pg2b3dm (<1.0). Or wait until MapBox v3 with 3D Tiles is working
啊,你使用的是MapBox,目前不支持。您必须使用 Cesium 或旧版本的 pg2b3dm (<1.0)。或者等到带有 3D Tiles 的 MapBox v3 开始工作
I understand, thank you very much
After following the example, I encountered this problem. I checked the data and found no issues with it. Do you know what this problem might be?
Center (wgs84): 117.29740155849998, 31.739770081825757 Starting Cesium mode... Translation ECEF: -2489924.25,4824677,3335926 Lod column: Geometric errors: 2000,0 Refinement: REPLACE Geometric error used for implicit tiling: 2000 Add outlines: False Use 3D Tiles 1.1 implicit tiling: True Maximum features per tile: 1000 Start generating tiles... Creating tile: 1_0_0.glb Unhandled exception. System.InvalidOperationException: Nullable object must have a value. at System.Nullable
1.get_Value() at Triangulate.PointExtensions.ToVector3(Point p) at Triangulate.PolygonExtensions.GetNormal(Polygon polygon) at Triangulate.Triangulator.Triangulate(Polygon inputpolygon) at Triangulate.Triangulator.GetTriangles(List
1 geometries) at Triangulate.Triangulator.Triangulate(MultiPolygon multipolygon) at Triangulate.Triangulator.Triangulate(Geometry geom) at Wkb2Gltf.GeometryProcessor.GetTriangles(Geometry geometry, Int32 batchId, ShaderColors shadercolors, Point center) in /src/wkb2gltf.core/GeometryProcessor.cs:line 33 at pg2b3dm.TileWriter.GetTriangles(List1 geomrecords, Point center) in /src/wkb2gltf.core/TileWriter.cs:line 41 at pg2b3dm.QuadtreeTiler.GenerateTiles(BoundingBox bbox, Tile tile, List
1 tiles, Int32 lod, Boolean addOutlines, String defaultColor, String defaultMetallicRoughness, Boolean doubleSided, Boolean createGltf) in /src/b3dm.tileset/QuadtreeTiler.cs:line 104 at pg2b3dm.QuadtreeTiler.GenerateTiles(BoundingBox bbox, Tile tile, List1 tiles, Int32 lod, Boolean addOutlines, String defaultColor, String defaultMetallicRoughness, Boolean doubleSided, Boolean createGltf) in /src/b3dm.tileset/QuadtreeTiler.cs:line 86 at pg2b3dm.Program.<>c__DisplayClass3_0.<Main>b__0(Options o) in /src/pg2b3dm/Program.cs:line 183 at CommandLine.ParserResultExtensions.WithParsed[T](ParserResult
1 result, Action`1 action) at pg2b3dm.Program.Main(String[] args) in /src/pg2b3dm/Program.cs:line 28