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documentation on how to deploy UrboCore #307

Open chicco785 opened 5 years ago

chicco785 commented 5 years ago

Hi, we are interested to explore Urbo to potentially use it for our projects and contribute to it. We would like to explore, for example, the integration with our time series db for fiware (quantum leap). of course for that we would need first to see it in place and play a bit with it.

All code, if relevant would be released of course as open source. If documentation you have available to test it, is in spanish, not an issue, one of our senior dev (@taliaga) is Argentinean

Thanks, Federico

Cerfoglg commented 4 years ago

To echo what @chicco785 said: it would be nice to have more documentation on how to set up the entire Urbo platform, as having multiple repositories with different docker compose files, verticals and such, makes it difficult to get everything working.