Geolykt / Presence

A bukkit claiming plugin that is based one the presence of a place within a chunk
MIT License
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suggestion: squaremap-Integration #1

Open knniDE opened 1 year ago

knniDE commented 1 year ago

i think it would be cool if the claimed chunks thawed on the squaremap! c:

Geolykt commented 1 year ago

There is actually already one integration present, but it is rather inefficent (which is only offset due to Presence's stupidly fast lookup speeds). Writing a good integration would be a challange for as long as squaremap uses sync population methods

knniDE commented 1 year ago

So rather not? :o

Geolykt commented 1 year ago

If you really want to have an integration you can use but that one only works for a certain range and does obscene amounts of lookups to presence (like over a million lookups per second iirc)