Geomatys / constellation

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Installation on Windows #6

Closed julien84 closed 3 years ago

julien84 commented 8 years ago

Hello, Would you have a documentation to install Constellation SDI on Windows ? I found a link but this one is broken :

I tried to deploy the solution on Tomcat but I have errors in context path ( Maybe I have missed some tricks specific to Windows ? Thanks !

Regards, Julien

qboileau commented 8 years ago

Hi @julien84, you can found updated Constellation documentation here

Can you provide us more informations about your platform (Java and Tomcat version) ? Can you also give the content of tomcat log files ? Especially localhost.log. They should be into logs directory next to webapps.

Did you create setenv.bat file into Tomcat bin directory with your specific configuration ? If this file exist, can you print his content here ? You can found more information about the content of the setenv.bat file into Constellation documenation and Oracle documentation

Also, your log say that the currently deployed war is named cstl-sdi-1.1.1 (2).war. I don't think this would be a problem for Tomcat, but it's strongly recommended to remove space and special characters in war name. Because this name will become your application context path.

Regards, Quentin

desruisseaux commented 3 years ago

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