Should be an easy change to support multiple components (just parameterize each component separately). On the GUI end, easiest to support this by just having a current "active" component (so that we don't need to generalize the palette or the widgets).
Simplest way to handle nonmanifold meshes is to partition into multiple manifold components (e.g., by simply splitting nonmanifold edges/vertices), though not clear how well this will work in practice.
Should be an easy change to support multiple components (just parameterize each component separately). On the GUI end, easiest to support this by just having a current "active" component (so that we don't need to generalize the palette or the widgets).
Simplest way to handle nonmanifold meshes is to partition into multiple manifold components (e.g., by simply splitting nonmanifold edges/vertices), though not clear how well this will work in practice.