GeometryGym / GeometryGymIFC

C# classes to generate and parse OpenBIM IFC files
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Unrecognized format! exception #61

Closed simonedd closed 1 year ago

simonedd commented 2 years ago

Hi everyone,

I have a file that throws an "Unrecognized format!" exception in the ParserSTEP.StripListLink method on the following line #16 = IFCPROJECT('0y9Aqf8xv0Jho7Y5Dfqn2E', $, 'Projekt', $, $, $, $, #17, #1); I think the round brackets are missing around the #17 field. Is it really a bad format or a bug? Is it possible to handle this case? Other readers can parse the file correctly.

Thanks, Simone

jmirtsch commented 2 years ago

Yes, the second last field should be a set of contexts, and wrapped with brackets to indicate this. ie #13= IFCPROJECT('1cSjcDqWPBUgfg7n0bR5xM',$,'Grasshopper Project',$,$,$,$,(#25),#14); Our toolkit does work around some common serialization issues, but every extra check slows down the experience for valid files. What software is authoring the non compliant line? Is it practical to expect them to correct this? Click on Attribute Inheritance here

simonedd commented 2 years ago

The file is from mh-software, but I'm not in touch directly with them. Maybe the brackets can be omitted if there is only one element in the set? Otherwise is not a big deal don't handle this, I have just one file with this issue.