Geoportail-Luxembourg / qgis-pag-plugin

Plugin QGIS pour la gestion des PAG du Ministère de l'Intérieur du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
MIT License
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problème "nil" #114

Closed jaykayone closed 4 years ago

jaykayone commented 4 years ago

Le GML exporté contient des tags de type nil=True

**<CATEGORIE xsi:nil="true"/>**
<gml:Point gml:id="CONST_A_CONS_POINT.geom.0" srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::2169">
<gml:pos>103496.8466 79178.7021995467</gml:pos>

Notre checker n'accepte pas cette syntaxe. Dans l'ancien export, ces tags étaient omis

frankbroniewski commented 4 years ago


I believe this is introduced through GDAL/OGR which is used to create the GML first hand: [1]

I've not found so far a OGR GML driver creation option to change that behavior. According to the W3C XML specification, NULL <> empty [2], so the generated XML is valid according to the specification, but this is probably not very helpful if your validator does not like this.

I think a hook to adapt this might be in [3] where an explicit check for NULL values is done through the plugin. A possible solution might be to set the attribute not to NULL, but to an empty string (in case of string values of course).

Anyway, just my 2c, since I'll need to use the plugin in the foreseeable future a couple of times again

arx-it commented 4 years ago


Doit-on effectuer une correction du plugin alors? Ou le checker sera adapté pour supporter la spécification W3C?

jaykayone commented 4 years ago

il faut une correction du plugin

arx-it commented 4 years ago

Fixed in 081c3d401db1a19e384702bc08e4979f3ac24e91