GeorgH93 / Minepacks

Free and reliable backpack plugin for Bukkit/Spigot/Paper
GNU General Public License v3.0
166 stars 75 forks source link

console error #253

Open robtbs opened 1 year ago

robtbs commented 1 year ago


Environment information Plugin + server version info:

minepacks 2.4.16 server git paper 468 1.19.4 java 17.0.6


*Online mode*:yes
*BungeeCord*: no

**Server/crash log**
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: JUKEBOX
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN at java.base/java.lang.Class.getDeclaredField(
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN at Minepacks.jar//
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN at Minepacks.jar//
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN at Minepacks.jar//<clinit>(
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN at Minepacks.jar//
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN at Minepacks.jar//
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN at Minepacks.jar//
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN at Minepacks.jar//
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN at Minepacks.jar//at.pcgamingfreaks.MinepacksStandalone.Bukkit.Minepacks.openBackpack(
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN at Minepacks.jar//at.pcgamingfreaks.MinepacksStandalone.Bukkit.Minepacks$1.onResult(
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN at Minepacks.jar//at.pcgamingfreaks.MinepacksStandalone.Bukkit.Minepacks$1.onResult(
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN at Minepacks.jar//at.pcgamingfreaks.MinepacksStandalone.Bukkit.Database.Database.getBackpack(
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN at Minepacks.jar//at.pcgamingfreaks.MinepacksStandalone.Bukkit.Database.Database.getBackpack(
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN at Minepacks.jar//at.pcgamingfreaks.MinepacksStandalone.Bukkit.Minepacks.openBackpack(
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN at Minepacks.jar//at.pcgamingfreaks.MinepacksStandalone.Bukkit.Minepacks.openBackpack(
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN at Minepacks.jar//at.pcgamingfreaks.MinepacksStandalone.Bukkit.Command.OpenCommand.execute(
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN at Minepacks.jar//at.pcgamingfreaks.MinepacksStandalone.Bukkit.Command.OpenCommand.execute(
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN at Minepacks.jar//at.pcgamingfreaks.MinepacksStandalone.Bukkit.API.MinepacksCommand.doExecute(
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN at Minepacks.jar//at.pcgamingfreaks.MinepacksStandalone.Bukkit.API.MinepacksCommand.doExecute(
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN at Minepacks.jar//
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN at Minepacks.jar//at.pcgamingfreaks.MinepacksStandalone.Bukkit.Command.CommandManager.onCommand(
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN at Minepacks.jar//
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_19_R3.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_19_R3.entity.CraftPlayer.performCommand(
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN at Minepacks.jar//at.pcgamingfreaks.MinepacksStandalone.Bukkit.Listener.ItemShortcut.lambda$onItemClick$3(
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN at
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_19_R3.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.b(
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.b(
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0(
25.03 01:21:08 [Server] WARN at java.base/

**Plugin config (optional)**
<!-- Some problems are depending on the used configuration. To enable us to help you faster you can provide us with some details about your config or the full config.yml file (please use to upload your config.yml, make sure to remove confidential informations like database passwords!) -->

### Details
<!-- Replace this with a brief summary of the bug. -->

**Steps to reproduce**  
<!-- Replace this with what exactly you did to cause the bug. -->

**Expected behavior**  
<!-- Replace this with what you expect to happen. -->

**Other information** (e.g. detailed explanation, related issues, suggestions how to fix, links for us to have context, screenshots, etc.)
<!-- Replace this with any additional information, if necessary. -->