GeorgRottensteiner / C64Studio

C64Studio is a .NET based IDE specializing in game development for the C64 in assembler and BASIC
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Tiny Help WIndow #110

Closed hkramer70 closed 1 month ago

hkramer70 commented 1 month ago


I'm working with the C64Studion version 7.8 on Windows 11 Home but I know this bug a long time ago, also in lower versions <7.8: When I press on F1 for help or open help via the menu Help/Help I get a very small window (see screenshot) with only the close button visible. Long time I didn't even mention that small window on screen and in this situation it seemed to me nothing did happen after clicking on F1. At least, the small window is resizable normally then. And, unless I close the C64STudio, it keeps its size and position. After restarting the studio the help screen is tiny again.

Screenshot 2024-05-31 111718

GeorgRottensteiner commented 1 month ago

Huh. I do have that issue sometimes with DockPanelSuite, for some weird reason (Exception?) it fails to restore the size of a window. After a manual resize and restart it ought to come up as expected again though.

Is there any message/error info the Output Display window after a restart?

GeorgRottensteiner commented 1 month ago

Arghh, found the cause. It happened when the Help window was free floating and ran into my broken GetPreferredSize handler. Fixed with commit #e5fb9424.

New WIP version is up at

Let me know whether the issue persists. I've also increased the minimum window size to 50x50 now in case the restore size is too small.

hkramer70 commented 1 month ago

That seems to work. Good job, thanks! :) For me this issue is closable.

Behavior now: after selecting 'help' the help view appears with a much bigger size. This size is changable (like on windows) and is stored for the time I work with the studio. After restarting the studio the help view will have the initial size again (which is -- as I wrote -- much bigger than before).

hkramer70 commented 1 month ago

One more thing (now): this WIP version is not able to load my solution made with the release version 7.8. I can open it but there is nothing in the solution explorer. Maybe it's because it is "still in dev". I switch back to 7.8 so far.

GeorgRottensteiner commented 1 month ago

Ah, good catch: There was another issue where the too big preferred size overruled the current size, even if the current size was plenty big enough (and actually the intended restored size).

Seems the preferred size ought to be ignored completely. I've updated the WIP version once more. The restored window should now have the saved size, unless it's way too small (< 50x50)

Thanks for the quick testing!

GeorgRottensteiner commented 1 month ago

Regarding the solution format: That seems to be a whole different issue.

The solution format did not change at all. What exactly happens when you open? "Solution Explorer" stays empty, no project or file symbols at all? No message in the "output" window regarding a failure to load something?

hkramer70 commented 1 month ago

Regarding the solution format: That seems to be a whole different issue.

The solution format did not change at all. What exactly happens when you open? "Solution Explorer" stays empty, no project or file symbols at all? No message in the "output" window regarding a failure to load something?

Yes. All of them. Nothing to open, no messages, just empty.

But: I then reopened that solution with the release version 7.8 and the same happened. Even after restarting the PC nothing changed at all.

Things changed first when I opened the project file (in this solution I only had one project), instead of the solution, by double clicking on that file in the windows explorer. In the Studio I then clicked on "save" as I saw the normal structure again. A file selector box appeared to chose a location and a name for the solution file. I selected the existing solution file and from this point all was fine...

[Btw: sorry for my simple english. I'm a native german speaker]

GeorgRottensteiner commented 1 month ago

Bin auch kein Engländer :)

Das klingt, als wäre das Projekt irgendwie aus der Solution rausgeflogen. Durch das Neu-Speichern ist das Projekt wieder hinzugefügt worden. Interessant, da muss es wohl irgendeine Konstellation geben, wie man das letzte Projekt aus einer Solution rausnehmen kann. Muss ich mal forschen. Danke für die Info, ich behalt's im Auge!